This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information Scribbles and Unicorns, LLC (also known as, “SAU”) gathers, keeps, and uses when you visit our website and use our software, web applications, services, downloadable programs, or code (also known as, “SAU Services”). This agreement also outlines the information you provide to us in person, over the phone, via electronic mail or digital messaging service, “snail mail”.

Data Controller

A “Data Controller” is an entity that determines the purpose and means for processing personal data of users. SAU is the Data controller for all data relating to this Privacy Policy. A “Data Processor” is an entity that processes data on behalf of the Data Controller. Google, specifically Google analytics is a Data Processor used by SAU. SAU uses various Data Processors. In some instances, SAU may process data on your behalf, in others SAU may use a data processor. The data processors SAU uses are outlined in this agreement.

Data Collected

SAU strives to collect the minimum amount of data necessary regarding users. SAU is in the
business of providing information, tools, ideas and guides for how to inspire your child’s love for reading and books through stories, videos, templates, guides, worksheets and projects, not selling data. However, because some of our Services are offered via the internet, and use digital devices, SAU necessarily must collect certain amounts of information.

Data Retention

User information is kept as long as necessary for SAU to use the data for a legitimate purpose. Some data, such as billing information, may be kept for as long as possible to process payments, or may only be deleted when a user terminates an account. Other information may be kept for as long as necessary for SAU to perform a service. SAU performs routine data audits and deletes data no longer used or reasonably expected to be used to provide SAU services.

Basic Information

SAU collects some basic information such as the name and age of users. For billing purposes, SAU may also collect payment information regarding billing such as credit card information, and address information associated with payment information.

Interaction Information

SAU may also collect information regarding how users interact with SAU Services. Such
information includes, how many times a user logs into an account, what guide, tool or newsletter a user is using, how long a user is logged into an account for, the geographic information of where a user has logged into and uses an account, and how much time a user spends using SAU Services. SAU may also collect data regarding the project a user creates while using SAU Services.

Cookies and Persistent Identifiers

For SAU services to work better, SAU collects information that identifies computers, browsers, and other digital devices used to access SAU services. Cookies are pieces of code or information placed in a digital device that are used to identify a digital device and user when they return to a particular website. SAU does use Cookies, and some third parties SAU associates with, may also use cookies as well. The use of Cookies has been a standard practice of many websites since almost the inception of the internet. Users may notify SAU if they do not want to receive cookies, however some essential functions of SAU services may not function if cookies are not enabled.

Other Information

SAU may also collect non personally identifying information. This information includes the IP, MAC, or otherwise identifying address of the computer or device used to access SAU websites and services. SAU may also collect information regarding the network you used to access the SAU site, the date, time, geographical location, and pages you accessed when visiting SAU websites. SAU may also collect information such as the browser and operating system you used when accessing SAU sites and Services, and what referring page, the webpage or website you used to access a link to the SAU site to get here, was viewed by you.

Google Analytics

SAU may use Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting as well as other Google
services. SAU has a legitimate interest in using these services because they assist SAU in
providing its Services to relevant consumers, help SAU understand user preferences, and help SAU improve its Services to users. To use these services, SAU necessarily must disclose to Google information that is collected as described in this Privacy Policy.

Other Use of Data

SAU has a legitimate interest in ensuring that its Services operate correctly and match user needs. As such, SAU may aggregate user data and analyze it to improve the performance of SAU Services. SAU may collect and process data such as what guides and other tools are accessed and by what demographic and the amount of time spent per guide/tool. SAU also has a legitimate interest in communicating with users and potential users. SAU may use information provided by you to communicate with you digitally regarding SAU services.

Children’s Data

Because SAU provides art activities for children, SAU must necessarily collect some data from children lawfully using SAU Services. As such SAU is completely transparent regarding the data it collects from children. Firstly, whenever SAU collects data from a child, the data is only kept for as long as required to provide a service for the child, or only kept for an amount of time as prescribed by law. Secondly, any data collected from a child is only used to give children access to parts of the SAU website and services. No data collected from children is sold to third parties – EVER. Additionally, SAU may collect data necessary for children to create projects using SAU services.

Accidental Collection and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule COPPA

Because the internet is an anonymous place, by no volition of its own SAU may accidentally
collect data of a child. If SAU discovers that it has collected data from a child SAU will
immediately delete the data permanently. Additionally, if you become aware that your child or someone else has submitted a child’s data to us, you may alert us immediately at [email protected].

Teacher/ Educator Consent

SAU may be used in a school or educational environment. Under COPPA, a teacher or school
administrator may provide consent for children to use SAU Services instead of a parent or
guardian. In certain instances, SAU may accept teacher consent as a substitute for parental
consent. Parents dissatisfied with a teacher’s decision to provide consent, may request deletion of their child’s data by contacting the address from above.

Third Party Links

SAU websites may contain links to third party websites, including our other business partners. SAU is not responsible for the data collection and retention of these other websites, users are encouraged to review the privacy policy of other websites. SAU has no control over or responsibility for any third party links. These links are provided for the sole purpose of convenience to our website visitors.

Data Security

SAU takes reasonable security measures to protect, delete, and keep confidential all data SAU collects. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be entirely safe. In the event a data breach occurs SAU will notify you and the proper EEA, Oregon authority, or other state and federal authority (if required) within seventy-two hours (if reasonably feasible).

Contact Our Data Controller

For requests regarding how we use your data, to file a complaint, delete your data, or inquire if SAU has any data regarding you or your child, please send an email to
[email protected]. Please note, for inquiries regarding a child, you may be
required to show proof you are a child’s parent or guardian.